Oakland Campus

Oakland Campus

The Oakland Campus is comprised of 4 locations.

  • Peralta Pavilion (450-30th Street) 99,514 sq. ft.
  • Peralta MOB (3100 Telegraph Ave) 34,562 sq. ft.
  • Health Education Center (400 Hawthorne) 43,473 sq. ft.
  • 3300 Webster Street – Business Offices (IT, OPC & Finance) 6.956 sq. ft. 

San Mateo Campus

The Fresno campus is comprised of 2 floors. 

  • 21,334 sq. ft.

Sacramento Campus

The Fresno campus is comprised of 2 floors.

  • 39,761 sq. ft.

Fresno Campus 

The Fresno campus is comprised of 2 floors.

  • 27,871 sq. ft.

Peralta Pavilion

Most of the Universityʼs administrative offices are on the second floor of Peralta Pavilion at 450 30th Street in Oakland. These include the offices of the President, Provost and Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, Executive Vice President and Treasurer, University Advancement and Communications, and Institutional Research. Administrative and faculty offices for the College of Podiatric Medicine and the Physician Assistant department are also on the second floor.

The third and fourth floors have faculty and administrative offices for the Departments of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and the College of Nursing.

The Facilities Department and faculty offices for Basic Sciences are located on the ground floor. 

The Peralta Pavilionʼs lower level and ground floor also include the following classroom and laboratory facilities to support academic programs:

·             Computer lab – 50-seat multi-purpose usage i.e., testing, research, study

·             Multipurpose classroom

·             Student Lounge which includes microwave, refrigerator, vending machines, and four computers for research and study use

The Biomechanics Laboratory

The Biomechanics Laboratory is equipped with materials and devices for orthotic procedures.  

Gross Anatomy Laboratory

The Gross Anatomy Laboratory is approximately 3800 square feet.  It contains stainless steel anatomical dissection cadaver tables, metal stools, sinks for handwashing, and cabinets for storage of dissection equipment and specimens. Equipment in the lab includes hanging skeletons, disarticulated skeletons (bone boxes), spine models, and various joint models.

Health and Physical Assessment Laboratories

The University maintains health and physical assessment laboratories for the Nursing and Physician Assistant programs. The laboratory is equipped with equipment and supplies the students will use in the clinical settings.

Health Sciences Simulation Center

All SMU academic programs integrated simulation-based learning into their curricula in varying degrees, including interprofessional education. Each SMU campus has a facility designed and equipped for the implementation of healthcare simulation.

Each campus has faculty and staff who are simulation experts and collaborate with course faculty to implement best practices of experiential learning. Students undergo simulation to learn, deliberately practice, and demonstrate competence in technical skills and to develop and attain mastery in prioritization and clinical decision-making skills. In this dynamic teaching environment, where an audio-video system affords the use of immediate video playback from recorded simulation activities, students engage in open, reflective debriefing sessions guided by faculty to maximize opportunities for deep learning.

Patient safety lies at the heart of all healthcare simulation – at the HSSC, learning activities are intentionally designed to focus on fostering teamwork and communication through simulation-based team training. The HSSC supports many components of SMU’s interprofessional education offerings. TeamSTEPPS® tools and strategies are incorporated into learning activities whenever possible and debriefings are structured around a context of preventing, mitigating and/or managing human errors in patient care.

The SMU simulation facilities are equipped with the most current Laerdal® product lines of full body patient simulators: SimMan® Essential; SimMan® 3G; SimBaby®, SimNewB™, and SimPad®-compatible manikins.  The simulation inventory includes the full range of task trainers, from basic, traditional static models to the highly sophisticated cardiopulmonary patient simulator, Harvey®.  Additionally, each campus is integrating Standardized Patients (SP) into their simulation program. The HSSC has a pool of more than 100 trained professional actors/SPs who support all campuses. All medical equipment and supplies available for use in laboratory/simulation sessions reflect contemporary clinical settings and practice.

Oakland Campus

The HSSC on the Oakland campus is comprised of 11,000-square-feet spread out over two locations:  HSSC North and HSSC South. Both locations are on the ground floor of the Peralta Pavilion:

HSSC South 

This area includes 2 large training rooms with gurneys, patient beds and standard equipment required to learn and practice health assessment/physical exams and a wide range of clinical skills. In addition, this facility has 9 standardized patient rooms and 2 simulation suites. All rooms/suites are equipped to implement and record any type of simulation technique, as well as support most methods of technology-enhanced teaching.

HSSC North  

This area includes 2 large training rooms with exam tables and beds to practice health assessment and clinical skills. In addition, this lab contains 2 large simulation suites. All rooms/suites are equipped to implement and record any type of simulation technique, as well as support most methods of technology-enhanced teaching.

The HSSC faculty and staff based in Oakland also provide service and support to the faculty and students at both regional campuses for simulation-based learning activities. A Simulation Champion (a SON faculty appointment) is designated at both campuses. Each Champion has direct oversight over simulation activities on their campus and is supported in their responsibilities by the entire HSSC team, thereby ensuring that there is consistency across campuses in the practice of simulation-based education.

A major feature of the HSSC is its digital audio-video system and performance assessment software provided by Education Management Solutions, Inc. (EMS). The technologies and software applications work in tandem to record simulation scenarios/encounters, enabling program faculty to critique/evaluate the performance of the students. Students also have opportunities to review their own recordings for the purpose of self-assessment and reflection. It is the EMS software that enables the immediate review of patient care scenarios during debriefing sessions, a critical component of simulation-based learning.

San Francisco Peninsula Campus

This area includes 1 large training room with patient beds and standard equipment required to learn and practice health assessment/physical exams and a wide range of clinical skills. In addition, this facility has 2 simulation suites. Each suite is equipped to implement and record any type of simulation technique, as well as support most methods of technology-enhanced teaching.

Sacramento and Fresno Campus

Each  campus has at least 4,000 square feet dedicated to simulation. The space includes 2 large training room, 6 standardized patient suites, 2 large simulation suites, and conference rooms. The facility includes the same audio-video capability as described on the Oakland campus.

Human Occupation Laboratory

The Human Occupation Laboratory supports a range of activities, from splinting to facilitating small crafts for use as hand tools and applying adaptive equipment. This is a multipurpose laboratory where various projects and group activities can be conducted. This room has an observation booth and can serve as a pediatrics laboratory for children with special needs.

Living Skills Laboratory

The Living Skills Laboratory is a simulated environment equipped with supportive, adaptive, and assistive devices for purposeful activities in the home, workplace, and for leisure pursuits.

Splinting and Orthotics Laboratory

This room is equipped with thermoplastics materials, casting-bracing products, heating pans, and splinting tools for the fabrication of splints and appliances for the management of scar tissue and edema.

Physical Therapy Laboratory

The Physical Therapy Laboratories are approximately 2000 square feet and 1400 square feet in size. They are equipped with high-low therapy tables, rolling treatment stools, metal foot stools, mat tables, parallel bars, physical agent and electrotherapeutic machines, and other therapeutic exercise equipment. Storage units contain crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, floor mats, and free weights. These labs are designed for instruction in physical therapy patient evaluation and management.

3100 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland

This is the University’s front door for applicants and students. This building includes the Offices of Admission, Student Services, Disability Resource Center, Student Health & Counseling, Financial Aid, Registrar, Campus Service Center, Student Accounts, Media Services, Veterans’ Services, and Media Services.

Health Education Center

The Health Education Center (HEC) is a 44,000-square-foot building housing;  

• Four classrooms and conference rooms 

∙ The Bechtel Room, a 300-seat large multipurpose room with videoconferencing;

∙ A fully-equipped kitchen for catered luncheons and banquets

∙ The 250-seat Fontaine Auditorium, with audiovisual capability for multimedia presentations;

∙ Informal study space;

∙ Student lounge and fitness room;

∙ Badging Office to issue or replace student, faculty, and staff identification badges.

For more information about the Health Education Center and reservations for the conference rooms call (510) 879-9277.

John A. Graziano Memorial Library

The SMU Libraries, including the John. A Graziano Memorial Library on the Oakland campus, contains a large collection of nursing journals, monographs, and audiovisual materials in this specialty area in California. The Library also has holdings in physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician assistant, and podiatric medicine resources. In addition, the Library supports a core medical collection of textbooks and reference materials, and subscribes to 714 more than 11,000 print journals and has access to over 30,000 electronic journals, which includes open access journals. The Library currently contains a collection of 46,000 volumes. The Library maintains online access to 29 databases of allied health literature and supporting specialties. In addition, there are laptop computers with network access available for in-library usage. The Library is the information center for Samuel Merritt University.  As such, it serves the students, faculty, and staff with a full range of reference and circulation services and full access to electronic information technology. Members of the University community may be asked to present their photo identification card to assure access to library collections and services.

Library Facilities and Services at the Campuses

Students and faculty at the campuses have the services of a librarian who is based on site and remotely.  The librarian provides orientations to library services and teaches students how to locate, evaluate, and effectively use the needed information. The librarian also works with faculty in order to build core text collections that support the curriculum. Students may set up appointments to work with the librarian one on one or in small groups.

In addition to print resources that are available at the campus locations, electronic resources including subscription databases, e-journals, eBooks, and audiobooks are also available from off-campus and require authentication for access.

Motion Analysis Research Center (MARC)

The Motion Analysis Research Center, or MARC, located in Samuel Merritt University’s Health Education Center, is a state of the art laboratory designed to advance the study of human movement in education, research, and patient care. The 2,000-square-foot facility is the only motion laboratory in the Bay Area shared by healthcare experts from a variety of disciplines to study human movement and performance.  SMU faculty and students use the MARC to develop evidence-based strategies to treat patients, alleviate pain, and improve the human condition. 

The MARC is equipped with equipment for measuring three-dimensional motion, forces, pressures, balance, and muscle function. It supports the University’s teaching programs along with faculty and student research. 

The MARC serves as a teaching center on motion analysis for faculty and students from the University's California School of Podiatric Medicine (CSPM), Department of Occupational Therapy, Department of Physical Therapy, and College of Nursing.

Healthcare practitioners across several fields also use the center to study biomechanics, gait, upper and lower body movements, and the effect of treatment modalities, and then apply what they learn in clinical practice for the benefit of patients. Furthermore, the MARC is the venue for clinical trials of new products and interventions designed to treat movement disorders.

South Pavilion (3100 AND 3012 Summit Street)

The College of Nursing offices are located on the first floor of 3012 Summit Street. SMU has a Basic Science lab on the first floor of 3100 Summit Street. 

3300 Webster

Offices for Academic and Instructional Innovation, Office of People and Culture, Information Technology, and Finance are all located on the third floor of this building.

Fitness Room

The fitness room is located in the Health Education Center (HEC).  This area is unsupervised; students are invited to use the equipment at their own risk. The University cannot assume liability for injuries incurred from use of the equipment.  More details can be found on the SMU website.  


Lockers are available for commuting students at no cost.  Lockers are located in the bathrooms in the basement level of Peralta Pavilion adjacent to the Anatomy Lab and in on the 3rd floor of the Peralta Medical Office Building (MOB).  Students must provide their own locks. Lockers are for DAILY use only.

Lost and Found

Lost and found services are available in the Health Education Center.  

Peralta Pavilion Student Lounges

Student lounges are located in the Health Education Center and Peralta Pavilion. They may be used by students and their guests. All students must clean up after themselves when using these areas. 

Use of Common Areas

There are several common areas within the University which are available to all currently enrolled students who agree when using these areas to keep them clean and to report damages or safety hazards to the Facilities Department (510-879-9292). Any person or group planning to use any common area for a party or other event should check first with the HEC Scheduling Coordinator to avoid conflicts and to make reservations (510-879-9277). The exception to this rule is the Student Lounge for which reservations should be made through the Student Body officers or the Assistant Dean of Students for Retention and Engagement and/or the Dean of Students. Appliances and furniture are for the enjoyment of all users and must not be removed from the designated areas.