
Haesook Kim

Associate Professor PhD, RN, GNP-BC

Programs and Courses Taught


NURSG 679L Advanced Health Assessment 
NURSG 675L Acute Care Lab 
NURSG 774 Population Health & Clinical Prevention
NURSG 700 Evidence-based Translation for Advanced Nursing Practice

About Me

Dr. Haesook Kim joined Samuel Merritt University in December 2022. Before joining SMU, Dr. Kim taught various courses across nursing programs (GBSN, MSN nurse educator, MSN nurse administrator, and FNP students). 


She earned her Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, MSN/GNP from the University of Michigan, and BSN from Hanyang University in Korea.

Teaching Interests

As person-centered and evidence-based care has been the core values in her nursing practice and education, she has always tried to incorporate these core values in her teaching.

Scholarly Interests

Dr. Kim’s research interest has been on improving the quality of care for older adults and nursing education. She has been a part of various research projects, including behavioral symptoms of dementia, elder mistreatment, and culturally competent care for ethnic minority older adults. The findings of studies have been published in journals and presented at conferences. Recently, her research has been expanded more towards nursing education, which resulted in presentations at regional or international conferences. She has also guided students in presenting their capstone projects at various conferences.


Song, Y., Ryan, G., Lee, D., Kim, H., Martin, J., Kramer, B., Hays, R., & Choi, S. (2022). Experiences of Sleep Problems among Older Korean Immigrants. Research in Gerontological Nursing. 15(4), 193-202.


Son-Hong, G., Kang, H., Oh, E., Park, Y., & Kim, H. (2016). Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Perceived Stress Scale (K-PSS-10) in Older Adults. Research in Gerontological Nursing. 9, 45-51.

Ruiz, M, E., Phillips, L. R, Kim, H., & Woods, L. Older Latinos: Applying the ethno-cultural Gerontological Nursing Model. (2016). Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 27, 8-17.

Phillips, L. R., Salem, B., Jeffers-Skrine, K., Kim, H., Ruiz, M., Salem, N. & Woods, L. (2015). Developing and proposing the Ethno-cultural Gerontological Nursing Model. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26, 118-128.

Kim, H., Woods, L. & Phillips, L. Ruiz, M. E., Salem, B., Jeffers-Skrine, K. & Salem, N. (2015). Nursing assistants' communication styles in Korean American older adults with Dementia: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26, 185-192.

Kim, H., Woods, L., Mentes, J., Martin, J., Moon, A. & Phillips, L. (2014). The Nursing Assistants’ communication style and the behavioral symptoms of dementia in Korean-American nursing home residents. Geriatric Nursing, 35, S11-S16.

Woods, L., Kim, H. & Yefimova, M. (2013). To nap or not to nap: Excessive daytime napping is associated with elevated evening cortisol in nursing home residents with dementia. Biological Research for Nursing, 15, 185-190.

Phillips, L., Guo, G. & Kim, H. (2013). Elder mistreatment in U. S. residential care facilities: The scope of the problem. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 25, 1-21.

Kim, H. & Woods, L. (2012). The development of direct-care staff social interaction coding schemas for nursing home residents with dementia. Geriatric Nursing, 33, 113-117.

Professional Affiliations & Memberships

For the Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society (SIGMA), 
she has served as a faculty counselor at Holy Names University, 2018-2019, and as treasurer of the Nu Xi at Large chapter (Samuel Merritt University, California State University East Bay), 2019-2024, and Region One, 2021-2024.

Community Service

Population Health
Dr. Kim has been volunteering at the West Oakland Health Clinic since May 2022. 

Honors & Awards

Sigma Theta Tau International, Gamma Tau Chapter Research Grant, UCLA, Feb 2010

John A. Hartford Foundation’s National Hartford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence Scholarship, UCLA, Fall 2008 - Spring 2010 (Mentors: Lynn Woods, PhD, RN & Linda Phillips, PhD, RN, FAAN)

Graduate Division Fellowship, UCLA, Fall 2006 - Spring 2007

Glacier Hills Gerontological Award, University of Michigan, May 2005 • John A. Hartford Foundation Master Program Scholarship, University of Michigan, Fall 2002 - Winter 2004 (Mentor: Donna Algase, PhD, RN, FAAN)

Lead, Link, and Learn Research fellowship, Fall 2003 - Winter 2004