FAQs on Closure of SMU Campuses

By: Debra Holtz

As students, faculty, and staff prepare for the reopening of our campuses next Monday, November 26, we have prepared the following to answer many of the questions that have emerged.​


Q: I had a meeting scheduled this week with a staff member regarding an issue I need resolved. What should I do?

A:  The staff member will send you an email rescheduling the meeting for a future date when the University has re-opened. If it is an emergency and you have not heard from that staff member, then please contact them as soon as possible by email with a copy to Terry Nordstrom, Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services (tnordstrom@samuelmerritt.edu) and Craig Elliott, Dean of Students (celliott@samuelmerritt.edu).

Q: What if I have a financial aid refund or have emergency financial aid needs?

A: Refunds will be processed this week and for students with E-Refund, the funds will be sent to your designated bank account. Checks will be mailed to students without E-Refund as is usual practice. If you have an emergency financial need that cannot wait until November 26, contact Tyler Pruett (tpruett@samuelmerritt.edu) and Terry Nordstrom (tnordstrom@samuelmerritt.edu). 

Q: Can I access the food pantry on my campus?

A: The food pantry will be open at each campus on Wednesday, November 21 from 11 AM to 1 PM.

Q: Are there people available to answer a question I have?

A: Yes. For questions regarding your classes or clinical, email your dean, department chair, or program director who will respond and/or provide an alternative contact who will respond in a timely manner. For student services and general inquiries, email Terry Nordstrom (tnordstrom@samuelmerritt.edu) and Craig Elliott (celliott@samuelmerritt.edu).

Q: I am worried about how many clinical hours I still have to do and that I won’t have enough to meet the requirements for my class. Who should I talk to?

A:  You should contact your dean, department chair, or program director by email. 

Q: Should I submit a timecard?

A: Student timecards should be turned in on November 26.



Q: Are students allowed to attend clinical rotation assignments as scheduled before the campus closure?

A: Yes, if the clinical affiliate site is open, students should go to clinical rotations following instructions provided by the clinical affiliate. Exceptions to clinical attendance in settings impacted by hazardous air quality are based on individual health-related or personal factors (e.g., childcare, family matters) that may preclude a student’s attendance, and should be decided based on consultation with the program clinical coordinator and/or the course clinical faculty per course policy.

Q: How do I reschedule hours for my clinical group?

A: If applicable, discuss this with the program clinical coordinator and/or department head.

Q: Can clinical students do make-up assignments for the hours lost?

A: If applicable, discuss this with the program clinical coordinator and/or department head.

Q: Can I continue to provide instruction to students by delivering course material online?

A: Yes, you are encouraged to use online instructional strategies.  If you need assistance with the use of academic technologies, contact Ellie Hoffman, Director of Academic & Instructional Innovation (ehoffman@samuelmerritt.edu) who will coordinate assistance from instructional designers. If you need assistance using Cisco Webex, or other SMU teleconference systems, contact Marcus Walton, Director, IT Infrastructure & Technical Services (mwalton@samuelmerritt.edu).

Q: Will there be an opportunity to reschedule missed in-person classes after the campus is reopened?

A: Yes, arrangements are in progress to provide extended hours of classroom access at all campuses during some weekdays (until 8:30 PM on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays) and weekends (8 AM - 5 PM on Saturdays and Sundays) starting Wednesday, Nov. 28 through Wednesday, Dec. 19. Faculty are asked to be mindful of students’ religious practices when adding in-person weekend classes and make adjustments when needed.  Contact your dean, department chair, or program director (or their designate) for instructions regarding scheduling additional classroom hours.

Q: Will there be an opportunity to reschedule missed sessions at the Health Sciences Simulation Center (HSSC)?

A: Yes, the HSSC on the Oakland campus will be available for extended hours (until 8:30 PM Monday - Friday) after the campus reopens.  As space availability permits, extra weekday sessions can be booked starting Wednesday, Nov. 28 through Wednesday, Dec. 19.  There will also be some HSSC spaces available on most Saturdays and Sundays (8 AM - 5 PM) between Saturday, Dec. 1 and Sunday, Dec. 16.  Please contact both Jeanette Wong, HSSC Director (jwong@samuelmerritt.edu) and Rachel True, HSSC Operations Manager (rtrue@samuelmerritt.edu) to arrange for additional time in the HSSC by Tuesday, Nov 27.

To arrange for extended hours of the HSSC on the Sacramento and San Mateo Peninsula campuses, please, contact both Jeanette Wong and Rachel True.

Q: My student has a concern or question about how the closure has impacted them. Who can I refer them to?

A:  Students should contact by email the department chair. If the department chair is not available, contact Craig Elliott, VP of Enrollment and Student Services, by emailing your question (celliott@samuelmerritt.edu).  

Q: How do I handle my timecard this week?

A: It is not required that non-exempt employees return to campus to submit their timecard for this pay period. Human Resources will submit payroll for non-exempt employees for 3 days of regularly scheduled hours, 5 days of non-productive hours code 110 (campus closure), 2 days of holiday hours (Thanksgiving and Friday after Thanksgiving). Non-exempt employees should deposit timecards upon their return on November 26.  Overtime hours worked during this period will be submitted with the payroll period ending December 7. *



Q: How do I fill out my timecard?

A: It is not required that non-exempt employees return to campus to submit their timecard for this pay period. Human Resources will submit payroll for non-exempt employees for 3 days of regularly scheduled hours, 5 days of non-productive hours code 110 (campus closure), 2 days of holiday hours (Thanksgiving and Friday after Thanksgiving). Non-exempt employees should deposit timecards upon their return on November 26.  Overtime hours worked during this period will be submitted with the Payroll period ending December 7. *

Q: I have essential SMU work that needs to get done. Who should I talk to?

A:  Staff should talk to their immediate supervisor if available; if not, contact the department manager or Executive Director (ED), or divisional Vice President (VP).

*Faculty and staff should contact Human Resources with questions regarding timecards and/or payroll.



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