Providence College of Nursing Alumnae Gather for Reunion Luncheon

Kiana Ames

The Providence College of Nursing at Samuel Merritt University recently celebrated their annual alumnae reunion on Friday, December 9, 2022, with a luncheon at Trader Vic’s in Emeryville. All graduates of the college were invited to renew friendships, connect with classmates, and remember the days gone by. Fellow graduates with a graduation date ending in 2 or 7, celebrated another milestone year together. The event united alumnae to celebrate their successes, revisit memories of late classmates, and inspired alumnae to contribute scholarship funds for future nursing students. This year the Class of 1964 organized a scholarship that supported four scholars in their studies at SMU, both of whom attended and shared about their journeys in higher education and goals in nursing. It was a wonderful afternoon of connection and celebration for all.