Online Teaching Resource 

A&II Staff Tips

Presenting Content to Students (Lecturing) Online


Course content can be posted to Canvas for students to view or read. If you're not currently using Canvas to post course materials, you can do this easily using the Announcement tool. Files, videos, text, and links can all be added to Announcements.

Create a Canvas announcement


Modules enable you to organize content to improve the flow of a Canvas course. They effectively create a single pathway for students through the course. You can use modules to organize course content by weeks or units, or according to your own structure.

Create Canvas modules
Add files, videos, wiki pages, and links to modules


You can create videos and upload them to Canvas or create a video directly in Canvas. One tool, the Rich Content Editor, is available from Canvas Announcements, Assignments, Pages, and Discussions.

Add pre-recorded videos using Panopto
A&II’s Panopto resources
Record a short video using Canvas’s Rich Content Editor


Submitting Assignments Online

Canvas Assignments

Papers and other types of assignments can be submitted via Canvas. You can choose to grade them in Canvas or not.

Canvas assignments

Video Submissions

Students can submit short video presentations using the video recording tool in the Rich Content Editor available from Canvas Assignments and Discussions.

How students can record a video using the Rich Content Editor

Discussions or Small Group Work Online

Asynchronous Discussions

Canvas discussions enable online interaction among teachers and students. You can designate them as graded or ungraded.

Canvas discussions

Synchronous Discussions

Web conferencing enables you and your students to interact with each other in real time.

Creating a Canvas conference
Starting a Canvas conference
A&II's Webex resources