The purpose of this Service Level Agreement (SLA) is to provide a clear explanation of the guidelines for work order request support, EVS, and maintenance provided by the Facility Department to Samuel Merritt University students, faculty, and staff, and to establish expectations for the timely response to requests for the resolution of outstanding issues. It identifies the roles and responsibilities of both Facilities staff and SMU with the goal of improving the services offered, in accordance with the University's mission, goals, and policies. Questions regarding this SLA, should be directed to the Facilities management at 510.907.2438.
The table lists the different categories of work order requests that are submitted via the Cherwell Request form on the SMU website. These categories are aligned with estimated resolution times.
These are target time frames that can be affected by the following factors:
- Contact with the end user.
- The availability of Engineering
- The involvement of outside vendor support.
Estimated Response Times
- Routine Work Orders Emergency: Same day—Emergency requests include water leaks, floods, power outages
- Routine Work Orders Non-Emergency: Two to seven days—Non-Emergency work orders are dependent upon Engineering's backlog. However, all work orders receive follow-up from Facilities, and an ETA is provided to SMU clients
- Non-Routine Work Orders Install shelves, hang pictures: Same day—Scheduling will be forwarded by the Facilities Coordinator after the request has been submitted via the Cherwell Desktop Express work order system
- Key Request: Two to five days; five to 10 days (If locksmith required)—Requests will not be addressed until a Cherwell ticket has been submitted and approvals have been verified
- Space Planning: Contact Planning and Campus Development
- Projects (Office Reconfiguration): Contact Planning and Campus Development
- Surplus Furniture Request: NCS next scheduled campus visit—After Cherwell ticket submission Facilities will verify if the desired furniture is in stock and provide a schedule
- Carpet and Flooring Installation: Four to six weeks—Orders will only be placed after a purchase order is secured and received by Facilities. Delivery time is dependent upon vendor inventory
- Painting: One day—Paint jobs must conform to the overall University color scheme (standards). Facilities will coordinate with the contractor on schedule, including for small areas, patchwork, and touch-up
- HEC Scheduling Non-Academic: One day—See guidelines and make a reservation
- Parking Permits and Tickets: One day to two weeks—Requires two-week notice prior to event. Requests will not be addressed until a Cherwell Express Desktop ticket has been submitted. Tickets being expensed to cost centers need signature before being administered.
- Mail Services: Send bulk mail—Requires one week notice prior to mailing date
- UPS Shipping: Remote sites and other locations—Packages should be received in Campus Services before 3 p.m. to insure next day delivery. Remember to include additional time for obtaining departmental approval when shipping to other locations.
If any requests listed above is not handled within the indicated response time, please contact the Facilities Operations Manager at 510.907.2438.
Facilities Management strives to respond to work order requests by the intended deadline established by the requestor. Clients should submit support requests at least 10 business days prior to allow Facilities personnel adequate time to ensure timely delivery and set up. Please also note that move times will need to be coordinated with ITS and final schedule confirmed with ITS before any moves take place.
If the requestor feels their request has not been addressed in a timely or satisfactory manner, the requestor is encouraged to contact the Facilities manager directly at 510.907.2438. If not available, or if the requestor feels his/her concerns have not been addressed in a timely or satisfactory manner, the requestor may escalate their concerns to SMU's chief financial officer.
Service and support will be provided by a well-trained staff of men and women dedicated to the care University facilities and grounds, in a safe, professional and courteous manner
Maintenance/repair of buildings and systems including, heating, air conditioning, ventilating, electrical, plumbing, and other special building systems and equipment installed as integral parts of the building
Maintenance/repair of furnishings in centrally scheduled classrooms and offices, including window shades, blinds, seats, and whiteboards
Custodial, trash collection, and recycling services
24/7 monitoring and response as appropriate
Proper permitting, code compliance, and regulation adherence for all work.
All facilities-related services must be performed by Facilities staff or contracted by Facilities, including alterations or connections to any University utility (both external distribution systems and internal building systems). Staff and faculty or students may not self-perform facilities work in University buildings
Identify a Facility staff member or another departmental point of contact for each building
Share facilities stewardship by exercising reasonable care in the use of University facilities and timely reporting of deficiencies
Facilities understands that effective communication is a key element of a best-in-class service delivery organization. We encourage direct communication between stakeholders and Facilities' leadership and expect Facilities staff to adjust communications to the needs of the stakeholder and the situation. In general, communications are more structured and regular for efforts such as capital projects, more flexible and responsive in the case of emerging events, and more automated in the case of routine work orders.
Facilities Management has in place a multi-faceted communications strategy, which involves all levels of the organization:
Staff personnel are empowered to respond to customer needs and concerns, and will follow-up to ensure that matters are resolved in a prompt and satisfactory manner
There are a number of options available should a situation arise in which Facilities communications and outreach do not meet customer needs. The options include:
Contact the Facilities Manager
Contact the University's chief financial officer
Performance review
Periodic meetings with customers
Annual customer satisfaction surveys
Annual report on the condition of University facilities
These guidelines for facility support will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Facilities manager. If significant changes to these guidelines are necessary, these changes will be communicated to the University community.