Up Your Teaching Game

Join A&II and your pre-licensure colleagues for hands-on workshops and some fun and games. Bring your laptops and mobile devices.

Please install the Panopto Recorder app on your computer before May 30.
Follow these instructions for installing Panopto:
(SMU PC computer) (Your PC computer) (Mac computer)


TimeActivityRecording Link & PasswordRoomHandouts
9:00 - 10:00Breakfast, Games, Resource Tables Bechtel 
10:00 - 11:00Mindfulness
Meet the new A&II team
Pre-licensure champions of teaching and learning
Morning Workshop "Slams"
 BechtelHow to Caption Videos
11:00 - 11:15Break   
11:15 - 12:00Workshop Session 1   
 Engage, Assess, PollEverywhereLink
 Create a Learning Path with Canvas Best Practices HEC-2201
 Dipping Your Toes into the Hybrid Learning Waters Bechtel1   |   2
 Students Behind the Camera: Assess with Video Assignments HEC-3121   |   2   |   3   |    4
 Get Rolling with Canvas Basics HEC-105 
 Get Interactive: Engage Your Students HEC-3111   |   2
12:00 - 12:45Lunch, Resource Tables, Games Bechtel 
12:45 - 12:55Afternoon Workshop "Slams" Bechtel 
1:00 - 1:45Workshop Session 2   
 Engage, Assess, PollEverywhere HEC-1031
 Dipping Your Toes into the Hybrid Learning Waters Bechtel1   |   2
 Beyond Lecture Capture: Content Reviews on Video HEC-3121   |   2   |   3
 Bye-bye Adobe Connect, Hello Webex HEC-1051
 Level Up Your Assignments: Assignment Designer ToolkitLink
HEC-1041   |   2
 Let Your Students Explore: 360 Video and VR HEC-3111   |   2
1:45 - 2:00Break   
2:00 - 2:40Workshop Session 3   
 Canvas Can Do That?Link
 Create a Learning Path with Canvas Best Practices HEC-1041
 Students Behind the Camera: Assess with video assignments HEC-3121   |   2   |   3   |    4
 Flipping: It's not all flap! Bechtel1   |   2   |   3
 Get Interactive: Engage Your Students HEC 3111   |   2
2:45- 3:00Snacks and Raffle Bechtel